About the Shrewsbury Town Center Association
The mission of the STCA is to improve, enhance and foster economic and cultural development in the Town Center district of Shrewsbury, MA. STCA members are businesses and residents interested in creating a vibrant and viable downtown for the enjoyment of residents, businesses and visitors. Members are committed to advocating to advance the development of the Town Center through thoughtful planning and support to attract businesses and enhance the quality of life for residents.
Join us on Saturday, December 7, for our
5th Annual Yuletide Market and Light the Common
from 4-8 PM!
Electrical Box Project
Kudos to the Shrewsbury Cultural Council for celebrating the creativity of our community with their Electrical Box Project! Local artists were sponsored to design the artwork for five boxes around town with the theme "Celebrating Shrewsbury Culture.” Special thanks to SELCO for making this project possible!
Support Our Local Businesses!
Special thanks to SELCO for producing this video to support our town center businesses.